Student Loan Forgiveness Events

Thanks to all who attended our event last week on student loan forgiveness.  If you were unable to attend, or just would like to revisit the event, here’s a video of the presentation you can view at your convenience. Below is a list of links that Mr. Matheny shared during the presentation.

We’re pleased to announce that there are a couple of other opportunities to learn (more) about student loan forgiveness coming up.  AFSCME Council 75, the organization made up of AFSCME Local Unions like ours from across the state of Oregon, has two workshops coming up on this topic on April 12th.  The workshops are at 12pm and 6pm.

These events are only open to union members, so if you have not yet joined our union, or aren’t sure if you’re a member, you’ll want to sign up before registering for these events. You can also respond to this email and we’ll be happy to verify your membership status.

You can use this link to sign up for the 12pm workshop.

You can use this link to sign up for the 6pm workshop.