Dear Colleagues,
Over the past eight months, we've used a variety of techniques to show OHSU what is important to us, and why. Last night, we did it again, but this time we brought friends. In addition to our dedicated resident observers, Multnomah County Commissioner Sharon Meieran, M.D., and State Representatives Maxine Dexter, M.D., and Sheri Schouten, R.N., joined our negotiations last night and provided encouragement in our efforts to help OHSU stay competitive with other west coast academic institutions and improve the health and wellbeing of house officers.
We shared our latest economic proposal with them, along with our supporting rationale for it in this presentation given by our bargaining team co-lead Anushka Shenoy. Our financial asks are reasonable, data-driven, and reflect the highest priorities of our union. Our proposals can be found here.
Our next session is scheduled for Thursday, October 22nd at 5pm. As always, let us know if you can come and observe the next session--RSVP to [email protected].
Stay tuned for further updates and actions in support of our contract!
In solidarity, your HOU bargaining team
Doctors Anushka Shenoy, Breanna Jedrzejewski, Heather Buxton, Lana Weber, Mary Storm, Silas Cardwell, Simone Dekker, and Xiao-Yue Han